Maurice A. West II, State Representative
Illinois 67th District, Assistant Floor Whip
State Representative Maurice West is sorry that he missed you but his team is here to help. Please find a resource guide below for immediate assistance. If the resource that you need isn't listed below, please give us a call at 815-987-7433 or email us at and a member of our team will reach back out as soon as possible.
Residential & Energy Assistance:
Carpenter’s Place has housing programs that serve 58 people. They are not directed at young people, but could apply to some families:
City of Rockford Community Action Agency: The Community Action Agency has programs for housing/rent assistance, LIHEAP - Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, ComEd hardship services, and more. The CAA can be reached at 844-710-6919.
The Citizen’s Utility Board is doing virtual Utility Bill Clinics. You can email a copy of your most recent electric, natural gas, and telecom bills to CUB at and their experts will review your bill and let you know about options to reduce your bills.
ComEd does free energy assessments to determine if there are wasted energy uses in your home. Here is a link to the webpage: ComEd also has assistance programs that you can find here:
Nicor Gas has programs that provides assistance as well. You can learn more here:
Comcast is offering some internet services through their Internet Essential programs at $9.95 for qualifying individuals. You can learn more here:
Solar for All:
Supplemental Assistance:
Northern Illinois Food Bank has a number of programs and supplies food for numerous pantries and programs in the Rockford area and beyond. You can check out the programs and food options here:
The Salvation Army offers programs and assistance aimed at combating homelessness, providing emergency assistance, and supporting families. Learn more here: You can contact the Salvation Army at 815-972-1135.​
Youth Services Network has a variety of programs targeting youths including housing assistance and shelters:
Here is a list of additional resources from the United Way that can be helpful: