This week, State Representative West passed 5 bills through the House with either unanimous or nearly unanimous bi-partisan support.
✅ HB4201: Places a Benefit Navigator in our public universities and community colleges to ensure students can take advantage of resources available to them.
✅ HB4203: Ensures that no public body displays any racially derogatory language, including racial slurs, within its building, on its property, or at a public meeting at any time.
✅ HB4215: Creates Zachary's Parent Protection Act and requires many businesses to provide up to 6 or 12 weeks of unpaid leave to employees who lose a child to suicide or homicide.
✅ HB4348: Makes a technical change to ensure park district police are eligible for body camera grants.
✅ HB4674: Requires additional training for nursing home inspectors and establishes timeframes to ensure investigations are completed efficiently and in a timely fashion.